The gathering of people, who on this night, had taken a myriad of pathways into this vacant lot of an arena, now waited patiently, silently, for the rest of the untold story. It was difficult for me to imagine what could have been left unsaid with so many impressions already swimming around in my head, trying to spawn their way into some fertile understanding. Yet within my contemplations, I still harbored the feeling that all of my recent experiences and profound realizations were preparing me for what I was about to hear.
“You live in a world,” Shankara began, “that is foreshadowed by probabilities, creative thoughts that have accumulated and evolved into the reality that we will now call your future. Many of these events are occurring while others are still pending. Regardless of this historical blueprint, the fact remains-- nothing is predestined. Everything is still of your choosing.
“All prospective thoughts and perpetual events exist in a constant flow of consciousness that is moving and changing like a great river through a mountainous valley. Humankind is the river, and your Earth is the mountainous valley.
“The direction of the river is unpredictable and unlimited because the motion that propels it is still creative thought. The destiny of the river is based on probabilities, or the accumulation of all thoughts.
“Within your world, within the fabric of each culture, you have had prophets who since the beginning of time have foretold of the great change, the Armageddon, the fall of humanity. This wide range of predictions encompasses the Book of Revelations, the Hopi Prophesies, the writings of Nostradamus, the Mayan calendar, and countless more. The time frame of these prophecies is as varied as their origins. But no matter the culture, they were all based on the probabilities of that particular moment in time.
“Many of these prophesies have come true and continue to manifest. This is not because the events were predestined, but because humankind never changed the elements of the probabilities. Today you are in it. You are in the throes of this Armageddon, even though much of the population has still elected to be immune to the collapse, living out their preprogrammed existence. You will see this unconscious approach begin to shift as your arduous future starts to play itself out.
“But let us first begin with your Earth, for she too is in forward motion, executing her own probabilities of tomorrow. The great upheavals you are beginning to experience in your Earths terrain and in your erratic weather patterns are part of a great cleanse. It is an attempt by Nature to realign the energy forces and restore its ecological balance.
“When life began on this planet, there was indeed a master plan. It was a blueprint in the form of an energy grid strategically laced around the planet. At the grids intersections were energy vortexes, which were connected to and governed by the Earths core and magnetic poles, north and south. This energy grid is what allowed your planet to become stable enough to support third dimensional life. It has provided you with an atmosphere as well as oceans and continents that were set into a very slow evolutionary motion, so that the whole of life could have a place to be expressed. It was to be a garden where humankind could come and explore, and hopefully master the elements of third dimensional matter.
“The only problem with this plan was that humankind has not been a very good gardener. As a collective, human beings have generated an enormous flow of ego-based energies. This is the result of eons of war, hatred, vengeance, competition, greed, and countless other such expressions. These elements, which are completely foreign to the flow of the planets natural grid, have done serious damage to the original framework.
“In addition, your civilizations have developed crude forms of energy, such as fossil fuels, electrical and nuclear power. These are like viruses to the natural order. Today, electricity has formed its own grid around the planet, which disrupts the true grids natural balance. A huge dependency on these crude forms of energy have caused you, the children of a divine source, to forget many of your own inherent powers.
“Satellites can now photograph the electric lights of your cities at night. If you were to draw a line from one light to another, you would see the electronic cage, the static web that now entraps a living planet. As you well know, electricity cannot touch any life form without causing harm or even death. So it is with your ecological balance, which attempts to grow and propagate within this destructive force field.
“As far as your ecosystem is concerned, most life forms are now suffering abuse and sometimes extinction from the many poisonous chemicals that have been placed into the land, air, and water. Because of this you also are experiencing global warming. In many parts of the world, miles of forest land have been stripped, the very forests that produce the majority of your planets oxygen. Numerous rivers have also been destroyed, not to mention your oceans, which have been polluted almost beyond recovery. These massive bodies of water are at the base of the planets food chain, a balanced food chain without which the evolution of life cannot continue."
He paced hypnotically back and forth. Silence seemed to hold the crowd captive as Shankara’s footsteps were the only sound that could be heard throughout the arena.
“So what is happening with your planet, with all of the erratic weather and the natural disasters?
“Well, your Mother Earth is fighting back. She fully intends to survive humankind’s realm in some form or another. She is trying to shake off the cage of electrical and nuclear energies and disgorge the chemicals and pollution.
“In addition, she is causing your magnetic poles to shift. This is a learned understanding.” For a second he hesitated producing a hint of a smile. "Ask your scientists. I did not just make this up. As a result of the damage by humanity, the Earth’s magnetic poles are no longer where they used to be.
“Today, you are already experiencing an overwhelming number of natural disasters. Your daily news depicts a new one in the world almost every day. Often they are described as the worst earthquakes of the century or the most powerful tornadoes ever. The words most and worst will become common to your headlines, and all areas of terrain on the planet will be subject to this the Earth’s cleanse in some form or another.
“The polarity of the north and south poles is what governs the magnetic pull of positive and negative charges on your planet. In third dimension, everything that exists as solid matter is made up of positive and negative charges. Therefore, any movement or shifting of these poles and their magnetic pull is going to affect everything, including all of you-- the not so good gardeners.
“So what happens to you, the human, as the poles shift and the pull of positive and negative charges is altered?
“What happens is-- you will be drawn to one side or the other. You will either evolve with the flow, whereby the union of your body, mind, and spirit will become in alignment with Natures new plan, or you will be consumed by the separation and the breaking down of the old form. This separation will literally be the fragmentation of body, mind, and spirit.
“Since male forces have been dominant on this planet, to be consumed or fragmented will be to fall totally into the realm of destructive male attributes. For a time this realignment will bring out the worst in your planets warlords. Acts of deception, competition, conflict, and genocide will fester until the consumption of the fire has burned itself out. In your communities you will see individuals go mad in the streets unable to cope with the flow of this new polarity. Now, does this mean that male energy is bad or destructive? No, on the contrary, in this, your third dimension, it is one half of perfection. But like so many chemical equations, if you have too much of one substance and not enough of another, the result may be a volatile situation.
“In your own societies you have already seen this kind of separation of body, mind, and spirit. In numerous instances you have witnessed your own children arm themselves with artillery so that for a brief span of time they could murder their teachers and classmates to experience the attributes of dominance and control. This is just one small example.
“On a larger scale you have witnessed thousands murdered through ethnic cleansing by warlords who choose the same imbalance. You have always had such murder and mayhem on your planet, but not to the degree that you are experiencing now.
“So, that is a brief description of the effect that the shifting of the poles will have on you and everything that is around you. Unfortunately, that is not really the worst of your problems.
“Toward the end of your twentieth century, a collection of wealthy individuals on your planet, have decided to take it upon themselves to handle the evolutionary problem of . . . too many people and not enough resources. Through a series of self-serving and self-motivated actions, they have secretly set into motion plans for the restructuring of humanity so that one central system would be able to have complete control.
“For our intents and purposes, let us call this secret organization the new world alliance. The members of this new regime are wealthy individuals from countries around the world, including your own. In fact, wealth, and the power from wealth, is what all of these oligarchs have in common. This group now has great influence over most of the worlds money markets, which has also given them a strong foothold in your Republican Party. They will also be infiltrating other organizations here in your United States including your military, your CIA, your Federal Reserve, and your IRS.
“That of which I speak is a worldwide system that is very refined and technologically advanced. Its objective is to produce a unified civilization, with a reduced population, one that will be able to survive off the planets remaining resources. This, mind you, is a very fine idea if you just happen to have the right religious beliefs, skin color, ethnic background, or sexual orientation.
“The format of this new regime is a concept that I will refer to as the three Cs-- Cleanse, Consolidate, and Control.
“The cleansing process is meant to reduce the size of the world population. Close attention will be paid to making sure that certain undesirable groups are targeted for extinction. Since this alliance believes there are undesirable cultures or minorities in many countries, the act of ethnic cleansing will start to surface in numerous places on the globe-- such as you are now seeing in Europe and some of your African nations.
“Recently, you have witnessed how sly and secretive groups can be in their acts of ethnic cleansing, executing hundreds upon thousands of people. In the future, it is likely that other organizations will be a bit more clever, embarking on methods designed to eliminate only those who have been infected by some particular virus or other genetic defect. In this fashion, they will be able to contaminate or infect certain undesirable groups, and then later dispose of them for a good cause.
“For the cleansing to be a success, half of the world population needs to be exterminated.
“As the cleaning proceeds, the consolidation process will come into play. In many of your countries this concept is already in effect. Its purpose is to keep track of where the money and resources are so that this new world alliance can have complete control over them. Their plan is eventually to do away with monetary systems in their tangible form and replace them with a single personal identification card that will act much like the debit cards you have now. In addition, home computer systems will become simply a keyboard and a screen where individuals store all of their information: their banking, bookkeeping, and personal records in a master system that they connect to through online services and the World Wide Web. Through a unified bank, which has already been set up, the central computer system can keep track of what everyone has, what everyone buys, where they go, what they do, and on, and on, and on. In time, the only way to obtain goods will be to have the ID card and be plugged into the master system by your computer.
“Once this scheme is in place, it will be rather easy to implement the final phase control. By inserting a computer chip under the skin of every individual, the world alliance will be able to keep track of the entire population. Plans for a later version of the implant will include electrodes that can inflict pain if anyone has a problem with the new established order.
"Cleansing-- Consolidation-- and Control . . . for a happier and more obedient civilization.
"Quite an extraordinary plan, isn’t it? In fact, for some of you it seems totally outrageous and completely impossible.
“Really. . . ? Then I will give you some examples.
“Currently, in your everyday life, how many of you have debit cards or credit cards that you use faithfully, seldom ever using money? Some of you use a computer to do your banking, your stock trading, and even the purchase of your groceries. You consult over the Web about your medical problems, your health insurance, as well as your most personal and private conversations. Some of you have already tied into a master computer system that you access with a keyboard, a computer screen, and a phone line. All of this you do knowing full well that every computer system is vulnerable to security breech.
“And what about this computer chip that they plan to insert under the skin? All around the world veterinarians are already doing this with pets for identification. The medical field is implanting chips in human patients to monitor particular organs and vital signs. Today, if you’re afraid of your child being lost or kidnapped, as a safeguard you can have them numbered with a tattoo or have a chip put under their skin. In a similar fashion, the military already uses this procedure with soldiers who could end up missing in action, a kind of dog tag, if you will. In your holy book, the Book of Revelations, this identification piece is referred to as the Mark of the Beast. You might remember it as the three sixes."
Shankara then began to wander about the crowd, looking into the bewildered faces of some of the people.
“Still not convinced, some of you? Still not convinced that any of this is possible? After all, how would any one regime be able to take over without people catching on and rebelling?
“Well . . . then just imagine this scenario: Several small nuclear warheads have exploded in different cities in your Americas. There is mass confusion throughout the country. People are missing and there are huge shortages of everything. Transportation systems have broken down, and all available supplies including food, medical, and fuel are rationed. Personal ID cards are issued in order to distribute the rations fairly. Because so many have been killed, everyone is marked and identified with an electronic chip. Then if there is more bombing, the people can be identified or perhaps found in the rubble by tracing these electronic tags.
“So then you ask how will they implement all of these systems? Through pure deception.
“In the days to come, if the world is in chaos and if your current and comfortable way of living is disrupted, you are apt to do almost anything to get it back. And this regime will tell you that one day all will return to normal, but first these new systems have to be put into effect to gain control of the chaos. They will present this concept as the peaceful unification of all people for a higher good-- Do not be deceived
“Now understand me when I say that there are many people, leaders, organizations, and whole countries who are supporting this movement, who may be unaware that this regime is the underlying current of the cause they support. In fact, the number of people that truly have knowledge of this master plan are very few and select. Yet there are a multitude of individuals who follow their lead, who follow an idea that will turn out to be a great deception. In truth, deception is the real platform for those of the alliance, and it is their intent to play with organizations, religions, and entire nations as though they were pieces on a chessboard. Their objective, of course-- to win the game and to have only a few pieces of just one color left on the board.
“So beware of early attempts to unite groups of nations for financial stability, organizations for world trade and unified banking. The seed of treason has been planted in numerous places. Many who believe that they are creating alliances for a cause, or going to war for a cause, may discover in the end that there was a great deception at work with the self-serving interests of this regime at the helm.
“Likewise, be cautious of early attempts toward global unification, at the core of which are corporate mergers and monopolies that conduct themselves like independent nations.
“The central system they have employed is like a pyramid scheme-- first one deception splitting off into two, then two splitting into four and so on down the line. In the end it is you, the common people, who are being deceived by other people, leaders, presidents, governments, and even nations who believe their actions are for some higher good.
“So that is the game, and it is already in motion. Those are some of the plans and some of the probabilities. There are also an unlimited number of possibilities surrounding them, and-- Everything is of your choosing no matter how helpless you believe or have been told you are.
Shankara then slowly walked out into the crowd, moving in our direction. He stopped, placing himself directly in front of Michael Talon, who now looked very distraught, with his eyes staring down at the ground. Michaels demeanor reminded me of that day when he fell to his knees after discovering his house had been broken into. Shankara just stood over him, pressing him into the moment, the space amplified by silence. To my surprise it was Michael Talon who spoke first.
Looking up he said, "By now Shankara, I have come to know you, I have come to know you very well. I know you as a compassionate teacher and also as a great strategist. And I now know what this is about for me. You have been spurring me to put all of this information into a book, a book titled The Blissmaker. You want me to be the madman who publishes this information and places it before the public, to be the town crier who tries to convince the entire world that it is the truth."
Shankara came down on one knee to look directly into Michaels face. “Right now,” he said, “not all of this information is your truth . . . not yet. And you must not write it down until you know beyond any doubt that it is your truth. Then, as you publish your works, you will understand that you’re not asking your readers to believe what you have written. You will simply be asking them to take a closer look, to see with better eyes, to look sharp, and be aware of the illusion that is all around them; to watch for the signposts of this your truth as the story of the human adventure unfolds.”
He then stood up, and as he walked back through the people, he raised his voice to the entire crowd. “But did you actually think that I was going to leave you here, floundering in this ocean of perilous probabilities, that I would just bid you farewell, wish you the best of luck, and then vanish, not having given you any kind of solution?”
He stopped and slowly scanned the faces in the crowd as though he were taking inventory.
“I have given you a mountain of information about your people, your nations, your planet, and your humanity. I have brought it to you because it is the ocean of probabilities that you are currently wading through. As for myself . . . do I believe that this will indeed be the tragic destiny for all of humanity? Not at all. If it were, I would not be standing before you now, nor would you be sitting in this dusty arena. But the tragic outcome that I have spoken of is exactly where you are headed.
“So then . . . how do you step beyond the unconscious quicksand of the Gray World? How will you know where to be so that you are not swallowed up by some natural disaster? How will you survive a nuclear explosion? How will you live and eat without becoming owned by the deceptive plans of a new world alliance? How will you possibly enlighten within this probable future of misery, madness, and mayhem? How will you do it? How will you know?"
We sat there, all of us, staring into empty space like so many lost sheep, silently bleating our most cumbersome fears. Shankara allowed us a few endless moments to ponder his words. His questions seemed to hang in the air as if time itself paid no heed as to whether they were answered or not.
Stepping over to the fire, he picked up several scraps of wood and tossed them onto the orange embers. All eyes turned to follow him, watching as the flames rose higher, mesmerized by the hypnotic firelight. Only his voice could have broken this trance as the people waited in silence for answers to the unanswerable questions.
“So here you are, he began, snared in the clutches of the Gray World, surrounded by unconscious people, preparing yourself for flood, famine, persecution, and Armageddon . . . but for the most part you have no idea what to do.
"Or . . . perhaps you do, and you have already begun to formulate a course of action. Perhaps you have decided to simply rally the people together and create an enormous army to rise up in the name of Enlightenment. You will then defeat this new world order, exposing their evil plans, setting things right once and for all. In addition, you will put the bad people into jails or concentration camps and convert everyone else into this new and more enlightened way of thinking. Of course, you will still have to deal with the earth changes and natural disasters. But you will persevere. You will burrow in and hold on to your hat until the whole thing blows over. Right?
"Wrong-- that is what you have already been doing, and that kind of ego-based thinking is what has brought you to this predicament in the first place. This is also quite similar to the plan that the new world alliance has in mind for reorganizing you.
"Or . . . perhaps you have decided to steer a slightly different course. You have made plans to sit on your rump and wait for your salvation and that highly publicized Judgment Day. With any luck your Jesus or your Buddha will come and pull you from the mayhem, granting you redemption, forgiving you for whatever it was you thought you did. But as the root of this word salvation describes, the act will indeed be a motion of salvaging, salvaging of those humans who died in the process of waiting. Basically, this will be the rounding up of those poor souls who didn't have the wherewithal to stand up and step through the doorway of their own enlightened future.
"But now then . . . let us suppose that neither of these scenarios are your choices, and you truly do want to participate in the unlimited possibilities of the future. Then I say to you this, there is only one path you can take to go there: Stretch into your own blessed wings and evolve.
"You can no longer live for the old ways, following dysfunctional dogma, with a programmed consciousness tossed about by destructive probabilities. This is of course easy for me to say. After all, I'm not the one currently sinking into the quicksand of the Gray World. Nor am I floundering to stay conscious, faced with the overwhelming doom of Armageddon. But in truth, what you have to do is really quite simple. In fact, it is so simple that I can give you all that you need to know in three simple phrases.
Walk away . . . Stand on higher ground . . . Love beyond measure.
"First of all . . . Walk away. Recognize the illusion of probabilities when it surrounds you. See the game for what it is and, if possible, don't participate. When countries are warring around you, perhaps your own nation, don't buy into the picture that you have been handed. If you rally up to be on the winning side, then someone else will surely have to be on the losing side, and then you are most definitely in the game. To participate, even on an energy level, is to feed the fire, to feed humankinds destructive probable outcome.
"There is a river of deception winding its way through these world events. If the information comes to you through the media or your government, there may be an underlying current anonymously triggering these events. Now, does this mean that your governments and your media are deceiving you? Not necessarily. It means that they may also be caught up in this deception, at least to some degree. Have the wherewithal to trust your own perception and choose for yourself. Remember, one voice making a higher choice will have an effect on the whole of humanity's outcome.
Trust your instincts. Trust what you feel about these situations far and above what you are told. Question everything that doesn't feel good to you. In most of these world case scenarios, everyone involved will have an agenda. Many of those agendas will be serving someone's ego.
"If you are feeling there could be a war in your own backyard, an earthquake or tornado, something that is going to break down your utilities and cause shortages of all of your survival needs, then walk away from the game of helplessness. Store up everything that you will need to get you through such disasters. Prepare now so you wont be forced to participate in the drama of desperate survival. A nation whose individuals are self-sufficient, with emergency power alternatives and a storeroom of necessities, is not going to fall peril to such disasters. They will not surrender to the control of a new world alliance or any of the deceptive plans of which I have spoken. Become self-sufficient in your everyday lives. Do whatever you can to not fall into the play of these probabilities. And if you have already done some of these things preparing for the new millennium and the great collapse did not happen . . . very good, you have already had a practice run and are partially prepared for the probability of what is still headed toward you.
"If you are in the habit of only using debit cards and online computer systems for all of your transactions, then you are already participating in a system that will one day come to own you. Find your sovereignty in buying and trading tangible goods. Walk away from a life-style where your existence is just a series of codes and numbers catalogued on a computer network.
"You are living on a planet surrounded by an electrical cage. Its a crude energy that runs from the density of the cities, up to your house, and all around you. When at all possible, turn it off. If you don't need electricity for heat in the evening, shut it down. Find ways to disconnect it from your lives as much as possible. Feel the difference this makes in your perception of the world. Help Mother Nature and be a part of her healing process as she attempts to cleanse the atmosphere of this static energy. Your scientists have told you that people who live under power lines have higher rates of cancer and a myriad of other physical disorders. Under such conditions your livestock stop propagating and producing milk. This electricity is affecting you in the same way, far more than you realize.
"Want to be healthy? Place your body in an environment where it no longer has to compensate for the static electricity running through it, and you will renew your own natural energy flow. This flow is a life force that will gladly engage and aid your health back towards perfection. Likewise when you cook or warm your foods in your microwave ovens, you are drastically affecting their molecular structure destroying their life force.
"For the most part, your television is an apparatus that brings a constant flow of static energies into your lives. It feeds you a stream of brainwashing commercials, programs, and movies that fill your living room and your physical bodies with frequencies of violence, destruction, vengeance, jealousy, competition, greed, abuse, hatred, and deception. Therefore, be exceedingly selective about what you watch and what goes into the consciousness of your being. The rest of the time SHUT IT OFF!
"When your Earth is about to quake, it sends off subtle frequencies warning the animals and all creatures. You, like the animals, have the ability to feel these frequencies as well. I can guarantee if you are sitting in a room, surrounded by a web of electricity, plopped in front of a brainwashing television . . . you will never hear the Earths subtle warning that your house is about to be lifted off the ground. These kinds of warnings can also be felt before volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornados, floods, tsunami, avalanches, and whatever else your Earth is going to do in the near future that you will need to know about.
Without warning, I saw my life being rewound back to when I experienced the earthquake at the Beer Bear Bar and Saloon. Minutes before it occurred, I had a premonition of its coming. I remembered spending several hours prior to that romping around in the woods dressed in my own skin and fur. I also recalled Michael Talons story about lying down with the dying wolf, later using animal instincts to find my uncle. Then, of course, there was Emily whom I witnessed sniffing her way through the city park one day. Now . . . what her animal senses were looking for--
"So," he said, interrupting my collage of beastly thoughts, "you may discover that in the instances where you have walked away, you have found yourself standing in a different place. Hopefully on somewhat higher ground.
"To stand on higher ground means-- to step off the tracks as the train of probabilities roars by. It means to step towards the ground that is your highly-evolved future and away from the gully that was your probable past. It means that if your Earth is going through a great shift, move with her; align with her in every way you can. If you are a third dimensional being moving into fourth dimension, into what you call heaven or the Christus energy, then go there now. Walk in that direction. Devote your life to becoming a member of a more highly and spiritually evolved civilization. And yes, I understand that this might be a challenge when you are busy running away from a tornado or members of the new world regime trying to put a computer chip into your brain. But just imagine this. Suppose that you had already made the effort to move to higher ground in your life, only to discover that in such a place there was no tornado and no regime running after you.
"It is one thing to become steadfast in your truth and walk away from old beliefs and probabilities. It is yet another to have the courage to step forward into the unknown, beyond the methods you have used to survive since the beginning of your human experience. To stand on higher ground means that you have made the decision to be in constant forward motion no matter what. It means that, as you step into the moments of your future, you do so by taking responsibility for every thought, every emotion, and every culmination of the two, including every lifetime that you have already lived. The most powerful part of this concept is that embracing your responsibility for everything in the past instills in you the knowledge that you can change or create anything in the future. Your survival in the days to come does not depend on how lucky, how adept, or how resourceful you are. It will depend on how brilliant you become.
"Since the beginning of your history, humankind has propelled itself through time judging everything as either good or bad, right or wrong. You have judged yourselves and each other to the point where now there is conflict and competition attached to almost everything you do. To stand on higher ground is to release all judgments of yourself and others, which will not only bring you into a place of higher understanding, it will detach you, on an energy level, from those of a denser nature who still choose to wallow in the elements of war, vengeance, hatred, and so forth.
"What this means is that when you see a neighboring country bomb and murder thousands of people, you will not judge them for being the worst of all humans, damning them to hell, whereby you take up arms to destroy them. Instead, you will see it through an act of right discernment, as yet another tragic episode in human history where a group of unconscious beings has altered the existence of numerous other beings who have now been forced to change their form once again. They will start again and be birthed again into yet another new experience.
"Now, does this mean that you should just allow yourselves to be bombed by someone and then act very enlightened and not worry about it? Of course not. But take heed to recognize that there is a fine line between self-defense and vengeance.
"I know this is a difficult concept for you to understand because you are very attached to each others human lives, as well as to the injustices of your lives. But for an individual to finally embrace this recycling drama for what it truly is, is to uplift that individual into a higher reality. Such a realization propels one into a higher evolutionary state, therefore stopping the cycle once and for all. When you can stand in the higher place, a place of non-judgment, then you will no longer be submerged in this futile drama and you can climb off the wheel of the human experience. It will become a reality that you were once from, not one that you are in.
"That is when you begin to raise yourself into the frequencies of a Christ or a Buddha. From this higher ground, you will find it easy to walk away and not fall into the illusion of the human drama. You will begin to have experiences where you are literally passed over by the destruction and plagues of humankinds probabilities. Since your body is now vibrating at a much higher frequency, you will seem almost invisible to the density of the Gray World. This is because your body, mind, and spirit will be uniting as a whole, while denser humans will be experiencing fragmentation of their entire lives. There will be a separating of the two different dimensions into lower and higher frequencies, and you will be conscious of it.
"To stand on higher ground is to begin a serious quest towards the higher understandings of your enlightenment. It is a commitment to the self on a journey to the self. In the process, you will not only raise your state of consciousness, but you will uplift the whole of humanity.
"This kind of path will lead you through many different realities where an act of loving will take on numerous facets. To love beyond measure is to see the sacredness of all things, to embrace how everything is a part of the whole and that nothing is lesser. It is to take each moment and then reach beyond it with your love. This adventure will be like ascending a stairway of white stone steps, each effort raising you into a higher understanding of what this life force called love is all about.
"Right now, such a lofty concept seems foreign to you. Perhaps you wonder, how will you ever have time to just wander about testing and exploring your ability to love. During this time of turmoil now beginning on your planet, you will be given innumerable opportunities to grasp hold of situation after situation to love beyond the measure of what you did a moment ago. With each act you will feel the frequency of your being rise into what is literally a new form.
"This is what your Jesus did after his death. He came back into this dimension, and from within a closed tomb he reclaimed his body. Through an act of total love, he slowly raised its frequency, changing it into a transparent form that you would perceive as light. Your Buddha did the same thing, only he did not die the body first. He simply sat under a tree one day and contemplated the wholeness of his Divine Source. Through his realization, that he was indeed one with this divine light, he raised his frequency to meet that great light and therefore moved into a new reality.
"For the most part, your experience of this will be a great transformation involving many people, and it will take place during the most arduous era of your human history. It will be the second coming of the Christ, the Christus frequency, a spiritual transformation on a planetary scale.
Shankara then allowed a peaceful lull to form in the arena. Making his way over to the automobile, he sat down on the flared fender. Looking into the crowd, he made contact with certain individuals, occasionally reacting by changing his expression ever so slightly, exposing an unexpected smile.
"Well, yes, Shankara," he said factitiously with a slight chuckle, "that is all very wonderful. But now here I am, the blundering human, sitting somewhere with nuclear bombs exploding all around me. Some of my friends or family have already been killed. The cities and most everything are in shambles, and I have no idea which way to turn. Of course, then quite miraculously I remember those memorable words that Shankara spoke that last evening in the alley. That all I have to do is . . . walk away . . . stand on higher ground . . . and love beyond measure. Not a problem." Here and there people in the crowd started to snicker at his theatrics. "Impossible you say? No one could ever do it?"
He gave those who were laughing a brief time to quiet down. When it was still, he said, "A Christ would. So would a Buddha. And so will many of you, because in the days to come, the futile game of polarities of right and wrong, good and bad will become so obvious that you will begin to easily see that the only answer is to evolve beyond it. In this kind of transition, good will not win over evil. Instead wisdom will win out over both good and evil, and with that wisdom will come peace, love, laughter, unity, abundance, music, exploration, singing, fulfillment, grace, compassion, play, humility . . . bliss.
"So this is your path, the path to your enlightenment. In the future it will be a path taken by millions, a journey that in the past has been taken by only a few. Some of you have even asked about my own lifetimes. You have heard me tell stories about them and now you would like to know how it was that I managed to slip through this veil into a higher understanding.
He hesitated for a second touching his fingers to his chin, his head tipped slightly upwards. Having formed a conclusion, he finally said, "Perhaps I will tell you a story, a story of my last lifetime here in this your reality. It was the last of several lifetimes, even though it happened so very long ago, even before the time of your Jesus.
"In that lifetime, my father was a proud man and my mother a gentle woman. As ruler of the region, my father possessed great power, which is why he so wanted a son to be born to carry on his lineage. For years he had anticipated the day when he could celebrate the arrival of such an heir. But on the day of my birth, there was no joy to be found, at least not within the walls of my fathers house. For the beautiful child that he had longed to see was to him nothing more than a monster.
"He thought that God had played the cruelest of jokes as he looked with horror at my form in the crib, a form with a voice that cried like any other, a voice that simply wanted to live. I was born with a terribly distorted face, with an oversized forehead and a curved brow that caused my eyes to be sunken and hidden, pushed back into the center of my face. My mouth was severely pulled to one side with most of my upper lip missing as well as part of my nose and part of one cheekbone. Except for one arm that was disproportionately smaller, the rest of me appeared to be quite normal. But the normalness about me was never to be noticed amidst the twisted and deformed features. And although no one knew why I had been birthed this way, everyone knew my fate.
"By my fathers orders, I was to be drowned in the river, and yet all who were witness were to say that I had simply died at birth. All were forbidden to speak of the event.
"So I was taken away by one of the servants who said she would see that the drowning was done, but instead she hid me and waited for my mother who she knew would come for me.
"My father was devastated by my birth. With no hope of my mother ever giving him a son, he banished her to an old broken-down farmhouse on the far side of the valley. There she would live and hide me from everyone, including my father, who assumed I was dead.
"I grew up in a pen full of straw, and I shared this place with all of the animals, who became my brothers and sisters. There was a cow, three goats, a handful of chickens, and my best friends, two canine companions.
"One of the dogs, the smaller of the two, was a female with tan and white fur. The other was a male, a giant of a dog who looked more wild than a wolf. They were my nurses, my friends, and the best of my teachers, without whom I would not have survived. They had no names, as I never learned how to talk, but I knew them by sight and smell. We always spoke in that feeling way or spoke the language of the dog. They saw me as my mother did, small and beautiful-- one of gods unique creations. So much would I grow to love them all in the very short time I would be there.
"Five years after I was born, my father learned from one of his servants that my mother now cared for a child who was much like an animal. So he came to the farmhouse in search of this child, the child that he knew was his monster, with the intent to find and destroy the evidence that could shame him in front of his people.
"My mother died in her attempt to save me, as did my companion the small female dog. But the wild dog and I escaped the attack and made our way up into the mountains. It was there that we lived off of what we could find and what we could steal off the farmlands, but we were always careful never to be seen by the ones I saw as mankind. As time passed and we moved farther out, the wilderness became our home, until one day I had no memory of humanity at all.
"You see, I never really knew what kind of species I was, because there was no other creature like me. I was one of a kind, with no example to follow and only my wits to guide me. So I mimicked my friend the wild wolf dog, and the fish, and the birds of the air, and I learned that I was really a part of everything, that my spirit was shared by all.
"My life was the marketplace of natures world, where I could choose from so many adventures, where I could become and explore the nuances of every form and creature. Life was a playground of frequencies with not one feeling greater or lesser. I never really learned how to judge anything or, likewise, to be judged by another. I never knew hatred, vengeance, jealously, greed, deceit, or anger. It was only when my wolf dog died that I would come to know of sorrow. I was never to be taught right from wrong or that good was different than bad. And the essence of an evil thought was something I had forgotten.
"I never really learned how to love anything, because I never knew what it was not to, and I spent much of my time feeling love for myself, because it felt so good inside me. It was through this act of loving myself that I came to know of my spirit and of the divine source that once birthed me here, with all of my wondrous choices.
"In time I learned, as a spiritual being, that the body was simply my shell, which I could leave in the shade of an old oak tree while I explored the spaces beyond. I came and went from the physical world until one day I met others; beings who had also stepped through the veil and realized their immortal freedom
"It was on that day that I returned to that place, to the shade of the old oak tree, and gathered up my human form to embrace the whole of me. I breathed into it all my love, the lightness of my spirit, till my body then became the light, the wonder, and the bliss.
The fire had died down, making the surrounding space darker than before. People now resembled shadows, their hazy forms blending together. But the night was given no time to seduce that particular moment, as once again Shankara's words broke open the silence.
"And what about you?" he questioned. "Are you so sure that you are incapable of such things? I was born wretched and deformed. Would you have me believe that you are less capable than I was? And for that matter, are you really so sure that you are alone in all of this, that you will have no assistance?
Then he lifted his head, his eyes seemingly staring into a night sky, a sky now filled with an abundance of tiny white stars looking down on us. The crowd followed his gaze as all eyes turned upward.
"Yes . . . and what about the rest of your family?